Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My weakest link

Until last night
I came to realize that
I have a tendency to push away people who really love and care for me.

I'm not an affectionate person
& it is really not easy for me
when it comes to saying tender, heart-warming stuff
I feel uneasy
& I just totally back away.

Well, I just expect that
we know that we care for each other
but we don't have to say it out loud...I guess...

Maybe it's just me.
But I really don't know how to.

I got an email from my Dad
He says it's my weakest link.
I guess that it's true.

I'm truly SORRY.

1 comment:

byron said...

记得我曾在车上跟你们说过的:要跟/争取与上帝有共鸣 - "joy"