Sunday, June 8, 2008

I left my SD.

From the day I started packing for home, I've pictured in my head countless times how it'll be like leaving San Diego...leaving the States.

I knew I'll be saying countless goodbyes and meeting a lot of people again for the one last time.
I was prepared to walk on streets, cruise on freeways and visit places, knowing I wouldn't be doing that again in the close future.

However, the funny thing is, no matter how prepared you think you may be, when the time comes for you to finally go, everything just happens a lot faster than you comprehend.
Everything moves like a fast-forwarding tape.
Until you realize it's happening, it has already happened, and you are already gone.

People always say, treasure what you have when you still have it or you'll regret when it's gone.
I think I made the most of my year...and I treasured every single minute of it. However, the inevitable end just makes treasuring all the memories...bittersweet~

I miss waking up to a window of fluttering green leaves and clear blue sky...
& falling asleep to the sounds of the night outside the window.

I miss walking to campus, dreading a long day ahead...
& walking home from campus, looking forward to "Chicken and Vegetables" for dinner.

I miss the times spent in the Love library finishing up a piece of reading for the next class...
& the hours spent at the gym, taking a break from all the studying.

I miss stopping by Peabody's for a White Chocolate Mocha...
& walking into Starbucks in the afternoon for another "coffee" boost.

I miss the nights when Anna and I can make SOMETHING out of NOTHING when grocery runs out...
& still not getting tired of chicken and vegetablesfor lunch or dinner even after we stock up at Ralphs :P

I miss the free afternoons on Tuesdays and Fridays...
& knowing that I can go to one cute Japanese girl in particular to ease my boredom... :)

I miss crawling into bed with Anna fast asleep in the bed next to me...
& knowing the alarm will be going off 10 times the next morning as we both struggle to wake up.

I miss the times when Robert drops by to ask what plans we had for the weekend...
& the way we never know or seem to decide until the last minute. Haha.

I miss dressing up when we go out...
& the way we can always have fun by just being together.

I miss how we can enjoy a quiet night home doing nothing but watching a movie...
& how we can always have fun when we decide on something to do on the weekends.

I miss the place where the sun always comes out shining by noon even when it was overcast in the morning and the sky was grey.

I miss the campus that was so beautiful you don't mind spending another hour of the day in it.

I miss the housing that brought so many international students together and numerous friendships.

I miss...
...the apartment which brought 4 girls together for one great semester...
...the fire alarm which sounds almost every time you cook if you are not careful... :P
...the kitchen, which bears witness to the countless dinner rendezvous...
...the bathroom, where numerous dressing up sessions were mirrored into the mirror...
...the room, where secrets were shared, complaints were launched, gossips was "gossiped", plans were made, party photos were uploaded, and laughter concealed...

I miss so many things...but most importantly, I miss YOU, all of you in San Diego,
who made the whole year special by being there, and giving me the best gift ever - friendship.

I've been home for 5 days, moving on to the 6th...
...but I still think I left my heart in San Diego...=(

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